Recurring revenues

Get that cash flow going

Easy upsell, lasting revenue

Autarco enables you to easily upsell performance monitoring, O&M services and performance guarantees. Do you want to generate recurring revenue whilst improving and protecting your clients' investment?

Learn more about our service packages as upsell opportunities to generate continuous

  • Performance monitoring
  • Performance guarantees
  • Maintenance services


Easy upsell, lasting revenue
Performance monitoring increases system performance by 5%

Performance monitoring increases system performance by 5%

We feed the software with live sunlight and weather conditions 24/7. This allows you to determine the system’s full potential and identify the maximum amount of energy that can be produced. When the actual performance does not match the projections, action is needed. You can offer both performance monitoring and the required follow-ups as additional service packages.

  • Our systems perform 5% better on average
  • Real-time monitoring in the app (comparison to actual weather)
  • We verify the system is performing correctly after installation
  • We detect when performance is not what it is meant to be
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Added value of performance monitoring

“Performance monitoring is the most non-intrusive way of building customer loyalty.” Simone Langeveld,,
Autarco dealer
Performance guarantee

Performance guarantee

Give your customers a rock-solid business case with Autarco. If we do not live up to our kWh guarantee, customers get a cashback. They will get what they paid for, as sure as the sun will shine.

  • We compensate in cash every missed kWh if the system yields less than promised
  • All systems with performance guarantee include performance monitoring


Read more here
Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance

Close the loop by offering dedicated operations and maintenance (O&M) services. Add value to your customers with upsell opportunities that generate recurring revenue.

  • Meet the mandatory maintenance requirements of our performance guarantees.
  • We (can) take everything into our hands OR we give you clear support via guarantee requirements as to why the customer needs maintenance


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