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Autarco systems for net zero energy housing - Irenestraat

Net zero energy housing
Autarco is involved in multiple projects to realize net zero energy housing. In this type of housing, which is to become the new standard, all installations for heating, ventilation, electricity, hot water et cetera are working together to obtain an energy use as efficient as possible.
Together with good isolation and a PV system, the house has a yearly net energy use of zero. With the insured kWh guarantee offered by Autarco, the contractor is sure to meet the strict requirements that are involved.
Project specs
- €70.000 guaranteed value
- 45 kWp system
- MC series solar panels
- LX series inverters
- Infix mounting system
- Installed by Solisplan

Our dealers have vast experience in working with our software and our products. Interested how an Autarco system would look like and perform on your roof? Request a free quote today!
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