Autarco software and the new construction law

On January 1, 2024, the new Building Quality Assurance Act (Wet Kwaliteitsborging voor het Bouwen or Wkb) will be implemented gradually in the Netherlands. The government aims to encourage construction companies to pay closer attention to the quality of their work, thereby improving overall construction quality and reducing the number of errors and defects. This includes errors in the construction itself, as well as poorly installed solar panels. Not only construction companies but also all their subcontractors, such as solar panel installers, must demonstrate compliance with applicable rules and standards. The contractor is obligated to provide a consumer dossier to their client.
Consumer Dossier
For construction agreements concluded after January 1, 2024, the contractor is required to provide information about the building and its associated installations. This information is compiled into a dossier. It's important to note that a contractor may approach installers with this request at a later date, emphasizing the importance of thorough project documentation. The consumer dossier allows the client to verify whether the construction aligns with the agreed-upon specifications. The dossier must, at a minimum, include the following:
- Drawings and calculations of the constructed building and its associated installations
- Description of the materials and installations used
- Functional uses of the building
- Information necessary for the use and maintenance of the structure.
Roel van den Berg, Autarco founder, on the power of combining hardware and software: "Autarco assists installers with the unique combination of hardware and software in designing, installing, delivering, and documenting their projects, in accordance with applicable guidelines and the highest industry standards."
Autarco's software provides installers with a robust foundation to gather the necessary documents for this dossier. It offers the capability to easily export a summary of the completed project, up to the inverter, in a system report. This report includes:
- Layout plan
- Ballast plan (with justification)
- String plan (with justification)
- Datasheets
- Manuals
Dutch installers using Autarco thus receive much of what they need to gather the correct information for a consumer dossier. Additionally, for comprehensive documentation, it is already possible to upload documentation of AC-related activities in the software. This makes it the central hub for managing all documentation, ensuring that even after 10 years, all project-specific information can still be retrieved!